How Augmented Reality (AR) Will Change the Industrial Landscape in 2021

When it comes down to technical advancements, countless technologies are changing the face of the future. AR, aka Augmented Reality technology, is one of those techs that have huge potential and its surging market clearly proves it. As per stats, the global augmented reality market is growing at a CAGR of 43.8% and is expected to do so till 2028.

Augmented Reality technology became popular with the launch of Pokemon Go back in 2016. However, it was just a baby version of it. Since then, it has seen consistent improvement and adoption across various business sectors. Today, AR is not just limited to gaming, but it has a plethora of industrial applications.

Let’s take a look at some of the adopted, and potential Industrial Augmented Reality applications!

1. MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations)

Industries are full of heavy machinery, whether they are pumps, car motors, boilers, MRI machines, or else. As they are extensively used, it is imperative that they will require timely maintenance and repair. This is where AR technology can help.

With the help of gadgets like AR headsets and glasses, repair and maintenance staff have started to troubleshoot equipment issues. These glasses and headsets feed necessary information to the user while working on the machine, such as:

  • Equipment information
  • Potential points of failure
  • Potential fixes to the issue

And more! Thus, enabling them to effectively leverage the Industrial Augmented Reality technology for MRO. This application of AR can be further enhanced once machine-to-machine IoT technology matures.

2. Design and Modeling

Whether it is interior designing, architecture, or construction, Augmented Reality technology can be of use everywhere. With AR headsets, engineers and architects can precisely visualize how their machine design or building will look beside the real-life objects, how much space it will take, and what further modifications can be done.

Further, they can do all the required virtual tweaks on the spot and focus on developing the actual product based on their analysis. Thus, saving a lot of resources and time on prototyping and conceptualizing.

3. Field Service

The use of Industrial Augmented Reality can significantly streamline the job of field service engineers in the coming years. How? It is pretty easy to understand. Rather than having a repair manual in their hands, service technicians can go out equipped with VR glasses or headsets for quick assistance on the machine they have to repair. They can also use a remote assistance app for getting around critical issues more quickly with an expert’s help.

Source: Augmented Reality (AR) Will Change the Industrial Landscape in 2021


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